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June 2024
Access Massive Blockchain Data From Your Contract Using Maru Platform
As the blockchain ecosystem continues to evolve, one of the critical challenges developers face is efficiently accessing and utilizing historical blockchain state data. This is where the Maru Platform steps in, revolutionizing the way dApps interact with Ethereum’s historical state using zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs). Let’s dive into what makes the Maru Platform a game-changer for the blockchain community.

October 2023
Why event proofs? Why Starky?
We present “event proofs” - a type of data proof zk proof construction using event logs. The importance of data proofs and their use cases, particularly in cross-chain interactions and historical data for on-chain applications is tremendous. We explore the difference between storage and event logs as a valuable source of historical data in Ethereum and their role in cross-chain transfers, incentives mechanisms, decentralized exchanges, and voting systems.

September 2023
Keccak circuit benchmarks
Benchmarks of all public available SNARK/STARK keccak circuits. Maru Network released a Keccak256 implementation written in Starky/Plonky2 included in the benchmarks.

This article was originally written on September 2021 by Proxima.One Labs.
What is the promise of encrypted transactions for DEFI?
Decentralized finance projects represent an exponentially growing segment of the blockchain market, but suffers from a major drawback — lack of privacy. Unfortunately, blockchains publish all transactions, which means that accounts and balances within DeFi applications are public, opening up issues with financial privacy.

This article was originally written on August 2021 by Proxima.One Labs.
Creating Cross-chain bridges with Verifiable data streams
Cross-chain bridges act as data and transaction connections across multiple chains. They have applications across blockchain, but they are primarily used in decentralized finance applications to enable liquidity from multiple chains to be pooled together into one protocol.

This article was originally written on August 2021 by Proxima.One Labs.
Exploring a Merkle tree database
The B+ Merkle tree can be leveraged to improve performance and efficiency by incorporating database file i/o instead of building on top of it. The feature set of the B+ Merkle tree includes multi-layer queries and relational objects. Extensions to support high-level queries like multi-key filters and relational queries can be done using general structural logic. Let’s look at how that works.